日本財団 図書館


(7) No towing flight shall take place in the clouds or at night (except when permitted by the Minister of Transport);


Article 1%. The safety standards, in the case of an aircraft towing an object other than a glider in accordscce with the provisions of Article 88 of the law, shall be as follows:
(1) Pieccs of red and white identification cloth shall be attached at alternate interaals of 20 imsters onto the tow wire;
(2) In the case of a take-off a ground liaison peroon saall be positioned;
(3) When the aircraft releases any object other than a glider; the ground liaison peroon Shall inform the aircraft whether the object has been released or not.


(Report of Dropping of an Object)
Article 196-(2). Any person who intends to make a report under the proviso of Article 89 of the law shall submit to the office of the Airport Administrator a Report on Dropping of an Object, describing the following items:
(1) Name and address;
(2) Type of aircraft; the nationality and registration mark of the aircraft;
(3) Purpose, date, route and altitude of the flight;
(4) Purpose of dropping the object(s)
(5) Description of the object(s) to be dropped and the place of planned dropping;
(6) Name and qualifications of pilot;
(7) Other referential matters.


(Application for Permission for Parachute Desent)
Article 196-(3). Any person who will apply for permission under Article 90 of the law shall submit to the MinSter of Transport an Application for Parachute Descent, describing the following items:
(1) Name and address;
(2) Type of aircraft, the nationality and registration mark of the aircraft;
(3) Sun:Summary of flight plan (indicating clearly' the purpose, date, and altitude of the flight);
(4) Purpose, date and place of parachute descent;
(5) Name and qualifications of pilot;
(6) Type of parachute and other pertinent information regarding said parachute;
(7) Other referential matters.


(Permissible Altitude for Engaging in Acrobatic Flight, etc.)
Article 197. The altitude at which an aircraft can engage in an acrobatic flight etc. in accordance with the provisions of the text of Article 91 paragraph 1 of the law shall be the altitude prescribed in the following subpgraphs:
(1) The altitude prescribed below corresponding to the classification of the aircraft, in the case of an acrobatic flight under Article 197-(3) or a test flight (except





